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Sessions and Fees

Our hours of opening are as follows

Monday - 9am to 3.00pm or 9:30 to 3.30pm
Tuesday - 9am to 3.00pm or 9:30 to 3.30pm
Wednesday - 9am to 3.00pm or 9:30 to 3.30pm
Thursday - 9am to 3.00pm or 9:30 to 3.30pm
Friday - 9am to 3.00pm or 9:30 to 3.30pm
Parents can choose to do a morning or afternoon session if they wish
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We run ten sessions of nursery in a week. 


Sessions are open to children 3 years to school age (with some funded spaces available for eligible 2 year olds who meet specific criteria). 


Children are entitled to 10 funded sessions from Dumfries & Galloway Council from the first term after the child’s 3rd birthday. Parents can decide how many sessions they wish their child to attend over the course of a week and whether they want them to attend for half days or full days.

Your child will receive a healthy snack in the morning session. Nursery also provides a hot or cold lunch choice where applicable. This is provided by DG First at no cost to parents.


Spaces are allocated according to our admission criteria. Although it is recommended that only one pre-school centre is used for your child’s early learning and childcare experiences, the council recognises that this is not always possible. A child’s funded places can therefore be split between two nursery providers if necessary, with a minimum of two sessions being taken up in each setting.


Nursery currently charges a set fee for unfunded sessions. This fee is reviewed annually. Please contact our administrator for current charges. Fees will be invoiced monthly in advance. It is essential that outstanding fees are paid as soon as possible to retain your child's place at nursery.

NB: Charges will still be incurred if your child does not attend his / her session.

Please note.. although nursery is not compulsory for your child, all providers offering early learning and childcare are contracted by D&G Council for funded places. Lengthy absences or a record of poor attendance over a period of time result in nursery having to refund money to the Council. It is therefore important that you inform us if your child will be absent for any reason. We are always happy to discuss your child’s sessions with you and accommodate you in any way we can if problems around attendance arise.

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